The Max Walker Co.
PO Box 5135 Burnley, Victoria
3121, Australia
Tel: 0417 363 433
A Max Pac is a composition of information relating to the many aspects of Max's speaking and business fields of expertise. The package includes a CV, testimonials and individual descriptions of the roles Max undertakes.
You can download a PDF version of the 'Max Pac' by clicking the link below:
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When Max’s cricket career finished midway through the 1981/82 season, the structure of his life changed dramatically. Today Max leads a great, erratic and at times fascinating existence and he really does enjoy sharing views and ideas and experiences. Max loves people , meets a huge cross-section of the community and shares of their stories and thoughts. That’s the theme for this book, lots of tales and lots of jokes t provoke a giggle or two.
We live today in an information society where technology regularly bombards each and every one of us. As a consequence, we are losing the common art of communicating – talking t one another and telling stories. One of the most powerful tools of communication is humour. The ability to laugh at oneself and life’s […]
Maxwell Henry Walker, commonly known as ‘Tangles” to friends, fans and opponents alike, is one of those rarities in sport. A man who became a champion in two entirely different fields and a ‘character’ in each. Max was a child prodigy in both cricket and football. It is difficult enough for any sportsman […]
Here it is … the perfect companion for the lunch or tea break during day-long tests – a hip-pocket cricket joke book from Max Walker and Brian Doyle.